Orange-Cardamom Applesauce

Gluten Free
Dairy Free
I have modified the recipe I found on, which is a great website for finding recipes.
- 3 pounds orchard apples, any kind, in any condition
- 2 oranges: zest and juice
- 1 Tablespoon honey
- 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
- 2 teaspoons ground cardamom
- ½ teaspoon salt
- 1½ cups water
- Core the apples, cut out worms, and put apples in medium saucepan. No need to peel or chop.
- Sprinkle the lemon juice on the apples and toss to try to keep them from browning.
- Grate the zest and then juice the oranges, and add zest and juice to apples.
- Add honey and seasonings: cinnamon, cardamom, and salt.
- Add water, stir, and cover pot.
- Simmer, covered, for an hour or so, until apples are mushy. Add more water if needed.
- Remove cover and stir and mush up apple pieces. If applesauce is too watery, continue to simmer until it’s the right thickness.
- Let cool and put in food processor or Vitamix until it’s the consistency you want.
Makes about 6 cups of applesauce.