Curried Chicken Loaf (Gluten Free)

In lieue of a photo of the chicken loaf, here's a photo of our chickens, asking to come in to play with the dog. These chickens were not made into chicken loaf.
In lieue of a photo of the chicken loaf, here’s a photo of our chickens, asking to come in to play with the dog. These chickens were not made into chicken loaf.

This is gluten free.


When nanoseconds count….

Dali-time-watchI finished reading Michael Lewis’ book Flashboys, and it really motivated me to think about ‘fairness’. What Lewis’ book reveals is the advantage High Frequency Traders who invest BILLIONS in technology have over average investors. By investing heavily in technology these firms have been able to exploit the nanoseconds between when a stock order is placed and how it is executed.   Continue reading “When nanoseconds count….”

The Future of TV Viewing: Sell your DVDs on eBay!


How is the value of your VHS tape collection holding up over the last 10 years? That’s a question you may well ask about your DVD collection in a few years. With the advent of the ROKU, and services like Netflix streaming and Amazon Prime streaming, and renting movies on Amazon, we’ve entered a new world of ‘on demand movies’ and only those old trusty DVDs that you re-watch a lot (see Band of Brothers) are worth keeping. Unlike CDs, where you can hold on to them and allow others, to rip the content, DVDs are not so easy. At this moment they have value; as more people enter the movie streaming universe they will lose value.

Continue reading “The Future of TV Viewing: Sell your DVDs on eBay!”

Sleep Tight: Unexpected upside of FreePBX

IMG_1246After I nerded out and installed a Raspberry Pi with FreePBX, I’ve recently found an unexpected upside. As an iPhone user, I’ve grown used to leaving my iPhone charging away from my bedroom at night. When our parents recently had bouts in the hospital, this became problematic to have the iPhones next to us while we slept. With children in several timezones around the world, text messages can often arrive in the middle of the night, either dinging because I forgot to turn the ringer off, or lighting up the bedroom and buzzing; either way it’s a sleep killer.

Continue reading “Sleep Tight: Unexpected upside of FreePBX”